Cartoon Fight!
Russia's (or rather the old USSR's) Soyuzmultfilm was effervescent with creativity, talent and initiative for the better part of the Cold War - and it produced many great cartoons, among other things, during that time. Their production truly rivals anything ever put out by their American counterparts (or European ones as well) at the same time, and thus, it is only natural and fitting that it all winds up here... at last!
Let's start the unfair game of comparisons now...
Zayats and Volk versus Tom and Jerry
Cheburashka versus Colargol
"Крошка Енот" versus Gédéon
The Funky Chicken Song versus La Danse Du Canard!
Granted "Funky Chicken Song" sounds just about as bad - if not worse! Try "Danse Ciranda" then - you'll get that translation if you translate the following into Portuguese, with Google Translate:
Ансамбль фольклорной музыки Владимира Назарова - Танец маленьких утят.
Танец маленьких утят - детская песня 1950-х годов швейцарского аккордеониста и игрока на губной гармошке Томаса Вернера из Давоса (Швейцария) и соответствующий танец.
Современная версия песни может быть ассоциирована с записью 1982 года музыканта Боба Кеймса
Песня известна во всём мире, в т. ч. и в СССР/России, русские слова к которой написал Юрий Энтин. Uploaded by presnia on Aug 25, 2009
In any case and in all the cases presented here (and just like the case of the Russian and original version of the little matchbox girl - and its Disneyfication) - the better material is obvious and the clear-cut winner is... русский
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