taste-testing blog: Pedestrian's Plight *Versus* Drivers' Dreariness

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pedestrian's Plight *Versus* Drivers' Dreariness

Who has it worst, in truth? 
The walker, the hiker (itch or not) 
the pedestrian 
the polluter, the indebted, 
the driver? 

You need nothing fancy to walk on - 
just your own two feet that you were born with 
- and off you go! 
Fancy shoes or not! 
Heck, if the weather conditions are on your side, 
you can even do it barefoot...! 
Now drivers - 
they need plenty 
and have plenty of things to think of 
before they even reach the road! 
Is there enough gas in the tank? 
Is the car insurance paid up, this month? 
Heck - are we late for the monthly instalment 
on the car itself for that matter...! 
And don't forget that safety belt now!  

Shoes, boots, sandals - 
they cost next to nothing 
compared to car premiums, 
leases, more insurance 
and worst of all: 
the damn gasoline! 

It is, as always, all up to YOU: 

Will you walk on now...

or will you hitch a ride?


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