taste-testing blog: 2011: The Year In Music!

Sunday, January 01, 2012

2011: The Year In Music!

It's time - it's time - it is time to vote again and, this time, on a much grander scale and in a more meaningful way too...!

We found the playlist that follows totally suitable for our purposes here which are none other than pinpointing just exactly what tune was THE song of 2011...?

And so - instead of the usual two, four, six, dozen-or-so choices, we have almost a hundred, give or take a few...

Our vote would have gone for the song that seemed, at first hearing anyhow, to be inculcating the surefire way to solve some, if not all, of the world's problems: that song was "Love Love". For it has a great, even if too overtly simplistic message, really: that of opening one's heart, teaching it to feel and talk (the song's lyrics mention it literally, over and over again) and letting one's heart do the thinking and talking therefore - and surely that should, normally, better things out, all around and all about us, here...

We had even given this song the nod earlier in the year on this other blog that is a vital part of our network as the ideal choice to deliver the message that things need to change and drive that all the way across to the United Nations...! Imagine that...! Or, rather, "take that" U.N.! Pun intended - but not as a nod to the song's craftsmanship; not anymore!

For, alas, in the light of certain recent findings concerning the origin of this song (and those are expounded upon elsewhere on this network here) we have come to realize that this simplistic song is indeed so not due to coincidence or the very basic and true nature of its message - but due to the lack of sincerity of its authors.

Also, upon further listening, it does appear to be quite lacking in sheer vitality, mainly due to redundance and lack of substance.

Thus, we have awarded the title of THE song of the year 2011 to another, namely...

"Sooner Or Later" - by virtual unknown Mat Kearney (who really lucked out in 2011 by getting his song picked by Google for this Zeitgeist thing - wow! Congrats, Mat! It beats all the honors your music has garnered in the past; including the dozens of shows on the WB that have used it! But that is another story...)

Who cares if Take That raked in in excess of 150 million bucks while touring the U.K. (mainly) and the world last year, while Mat just hung around his native state and played the guitar for small audiences, each time... Mat beats Take That and that's that!

Second place here would definitely go to Coldplay's "Paradise".
If only for the sheer pachyderm power evoked in the vid...?
Okay - it's more, much more than that! Coldplay has honed its craft enough that any single they release has the potential to climb any chart there is - and, besides, the mere idea that escape to Paradise is so easy is very attractive indeed. Even if you're in a Babar costume. And especially if Paradise (Lost) is somewhere in Botswana or something...! (Air fare to there is cheaper when compared to the most popular destinations! But we're digressing again...)

And so, to round up a top three, how about Britney's Dancing "Till The World Ends"? It was voted as the best by some music site - I forget which one, really...! Not that that influences our choice in the least way, however we do like the beat of this one, the propos and the virtual absence of the two other tarts purported to be there with B.S. (namely Ke$ha and... whatshername again? But we're getting sidetracked fast here now...!)

On the surface, "Sooner Or Later" may appear to be an odd choice indeed, we grant you so much... Whereas "Love Love" could not be more cutesy-a-title, "Sooner Or Later" lends itself to at least two interpretations of its core meaning and aim, interpretations that are vastly different from one another at that...

"Sooner Or Later" comes with the Google Zeitgeist video and the message is "sooner or later - things get better" as "we made it" through 2011 (well, most of us did, anyways - seven billion strong...! But let's not get into that right now, either...)

"Sooner Or Later" can easily be interpreted in another way, of course, even though coupled with the "we made it" line there - for those who immediately think of the "glass half-empty, glass half-full syndrome," well, yes, it is exactly that! And so it could mean for a great many out there that yes, "we made it" but "sooner or later" we're going to bite the big one as well...! After all, the GZ video does have a short section concerning those who passed on during the year, too...

It still gets our vote here as THE song of 2011 - perhaps it gets that distinction (and a great distinction it is, indeed; indubitably!) due to that possible double entendre right there to begin with...!

Which one gets *your* vote though...?

Well, as usual, the voting remains open... well, er, forever!
Or as long as YouTube & Blogger oblige us all!

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