taste-testing blog: BEER WITH ME

Sunday, April 01, 2018


It is the nature of the bloggety-blog beast here; 
it is kinda difficult to perform a true-blue 
''taste-test'' on the premises, on the spot here... 
is it not! 

Best thing we can and will do - 
we will sacrifice ourselves 
taste it all for ya - free of charge... 

And all you will have to do, then, 
is OBEY and go for the one WE SAY 
Todo Bem! 


No, folks - you cannot go wrong with this choice here: 
a six-pack (bottles, not cans - you redneck!) 
and you get to sample three, count 'em, three beers!!! 
(Two of each - duh. In case (!) you need a second opinion 
- or your taste buds need more of the stuff to fully 
assess the bitterness... or the bitterness of the taste! 
Because this is BEER... it is supposed to be AWFUL!) 

Having stated all that... 
Lochness and Titanic are... ok! 
If you love your beers to have that certain 
aqua feeling - unless it is nautical nausea, that is! 
And if chugging down a strong beer is your thing - 
you cannot go wrong with this Canon thing here! 

And you may have fun 
thinking how it was conceived, brewed,, bottled 
(always hoping for the best...) 
and/or imagining how you will dispose 
of that second bottle of it -  
whether you cook with it 
or simply use that to unclog your sink...

I do prefer sample cases myself, anyway - 
you do not want to be stuck with 6 or -oh Lord- 12 or 24 
of the awful one you just cannot chug down, 
not even holding your breath and thinking 
of fine liquors - or fine wines! 
But if you are sure of your tastes... 
then you may go for one of the following indeed: 

Wheat and flowers - you can't go wrong with this one! 
Reminds me of their Équinoxe one... (see video below) 
And I don't know why but I always picture 
Céline with a bottle of this... after a show!? 
Can't believe ''Dieu du Ciel'' did not approach her 
about a commercial for the stuff...

This one - spicy, sure... 
I expected to LOVE IT TO DEATH... sort of. 
But the homage to Vasco de Gama 
falls considerably short. 
Vasco drank fine wine, anyway.

I quickly developed an aversion to this one - 
it can go (back) to hell, for all I care... 
never mind how strong it is!!! 

And this pale one doesn't know if it wants to be 
a strong beer - or a radler! 
A misbegotten misfit somewhere between the two, rather...!!! 

Thus, ultimately, I decree (order) this: 

drink water instead! 

You do not want to drink beer 
in the morning anyway - 
now do you?!? 


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