Assis Pimentel e Cardozinho... (Brasil) Canção: "Chão de Estrelas" ~ contatos:
Malu ~ la reina del merengue! :) (Lima, Peru)
and then there's... nature lover pimentel! (Peru again - I do believe!) (This video though - titled AGUA FELIZ - lasts exactly 8 SECONDS!) ~ It will take you longer to translate this: "Ocho segundos de agua y con la infaltable pifia, esta vez una manguera verde que se asoma fantasmalmente." Yup - that was an accurate description of the action -or lack thereof- to be found in this video all right! Next...
Yesenia (USA) The description of this short lip-synching/karaoke video says almost it all: "Yesenia is a crazy mo' fo'" ~ Hmm... what's a "mo fo" again? A Pimentel mo fo? Hmm... What will grandpa say...
Conclusion: just like any other family one can think of - the Pimentels have got just about a little bit of everything in their midst!
Actually, the purpose of this playlist is simply to make amends for a blatant oversight... See, when putting together a playlist for International Women's Day including virtually all the ladies I could think of, I remembered Kylie... and then forgot her still! She didn't make the cut on THAT TLB Prime playlist (primarily made for TLB PRIME - although the same playlist is found here as "Summer Girls!") simply because after 60 videos... I thought I had enough! Kylie should have been added immediately as I thought of her - after all, she has battled a cancer, and the Women's Day playlist was put together on the same week Dana Reeve lost her own battle with cancer.
Hence... mea culpa. (Kylie is the "forgive and forget" type though - she sings so on the second track -and first actual video- of the playlist... That makes her more angelic than even MOI... For I can forgive; but I never shall forget! I won't be "taken" twice by the same trick! "Fooled me once, shame on you! Fooled me twice, shame on ME!", as they say... But that sure is another story...)
To make amends, thus, I put together this one, hastily - it runs the gamut of tastes and truly bridges the gap between the two distinct phases in Miss Minogue's career... in a hodge-podge kind of way though! The list is, for the better part, in alphabetical order. Hence, you will find it a tad annoying (if you are male - or lesbian) to be tittilated by the alluring sex kitten... and then to be barely tickled (and sometimes, it is on the funny bone!) by the innocent ingenue that Kylie used to be (say, in he Locomotion days... Loco-motion daze? Anyway...)
Verily, this playlist covers it all - you will see the many faces of the nearly chameleon-like Kylie! According to VIDEOCODEZONE, those include "Empires" - a song that, if it is Kylie singing it, makes her appear to be all of a sudden very... mulato?
Of note too: the splendour (in a technical point of view more than anything else) of the video "Come... Come... Come Into My World". Seems that, since she invites us thrice, the director decided to have THREE KYLIES in the video - in same-time action! Actually, everything is three-fold in the video! A discerning eye will notice that.. and rate it as the highest video of the whole collection here! Alas, not everyone has the same appreciation for true art on the VIDEOCODEZONE site... The voters rated that one a "3" - while videos where all that Kylie is helped out with (or "enhanced" by...) are sexy attires and lingerie... THOSE got a "5". Figures.
Those voters will be happy to see this playlist headlined by "Agent Provocateur". It is not even a video though - it is but a lingerie COMMERCIAL (lingerie, how fitting... it fits her oh-so well too... but I digress!)
I took the liberty of adding live performances of Veronica Electronica's Hung Up (Time goes by so SLOWLY... eh?) to compare with Kylie's live performance of SLOW... The regular video of Hung Up can measure up to any other "sexy" offering from Kylie too... (especially, I think, "Did It Again" - but that is just my opinion!)
I also added all that I could find from Kylie's sissy - Danni! She that no one at VIDEOCODEZONE can figure out how to spell her NAME... (they can't spell the titles of her simplest songs either too!)
Finally, since this is the taste-test blog... I should ask a question! To ask "which video is Kylie the most tantalizing" would be... too easy! (Besides, the commercial might win... and that would not be taken well by either Kylie or her French boy toy... forgot his name... he's an "ahk-tor"!)
My question will rather be... "in which one of these does Kylie's intrinsic goodness show BEST?"
Born in the Age of Aquarius, destined to seek out truths in many an art form, trained as a historian and a journalist but truly a prose-lover... Luciano is out to dispel any clichés and reinvent them all both to the tune of a little something called the truth as also to his own image - and being old-fashioned, he does not mind that distinction one infinitesimal tiny bit at all...! "There are two ways to spread the light; be the candle... or the mirror that reflects It." I have chosen to be the latter... okay? ~*~
"To be not only a seeker of light... but a dream weaver of light" ~*~ For as surely as the moon reflects the light from the sun, you and I can reflect the Light from Above - and be, indeed, the light of this world! ~*~*~*~ NOTE: THERE ARE COOKIES ~ from at least three parties~ ON ALL OF MY BLOGS! ~*~ accept it!