taste-testing blog: May 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Three Blondes Walk Into A Bar...

So then - which one of these three (one from the 80s, one from the 70s and the other from... abroad!) would be more, ah, shall we say dumbfounded (because, as we all know, anything can happen in a bar! And, even more so than anything else, anything can happen to a blonde!)

 First off we have Quebecoise Marjo, 
and her Corbeaux-pas-beaux... 

Next, we have got the legendary Blondie herself: 
Deborah Harry
 and her cronies...


Finally, hailing from Lusitania and 
displaying quite the heartbeat, 
 Suzy - and friends...

 Tell me now or tell me never:
 which blonde is, quite simply...
 BLONDER, here?


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