taste-testing blog: August 2014

Sunday, August 24, 2014

It Had To Happen - Luminous Vs Radiant!

Who are we to believe anyway - some mulato bimbo nobody knows or the one, the only, ex-Mrs. Pitt, Jennifer Aniston?  The choice couldn't be any clearer - but let's try to make it so anyway, by viewing these things here...

First, à toute seigneurie tout honneur...
Luminous... Olay!  (Olé?)

Well... that was... short! 
Short and concise!
Just like Luminous... eh?
Let's... not go there!
Uh... next!

Oh yeah - NOW we're talking... BABY! 
And positive radiance, too! 
(Get the nuance, folks?)
Plus it lasts like double the time...
she has a longer-lasting effect on everyone!
Well, everyone except Brad...
But that's another story! 
No talking about this anyway - NO MORE! 
Jen's our FRIEND - remember?!?

So then, after these rather *basic* exposés... 
Isn't the choice clearer now? Huh? HUH? 

Yeah - it damn sure is!

I'm going with NIVEA - FOR MEN!

What about YOU?

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