Le Combat Des Alains
Mercifully WITHOUT the ignoble Alain Delon as guest referee!
Alain Bashung
Alain Souchon
You will even discover TWO more Alains there,
on that DEEZER.COM playlist - Barrière and Chamfort!
At no extra charge! Yay!
But try and stick to Bashung and Souchon though...!
And they are to be found on that playlist
only starting with song number 70...!!!
Based upon the VIDEOS' performance though,
I penned the following - in French!
Oh, Gaby-Gaby - Putain, ça penche en faveur de Souchon là...!
(Grâce au remix trouvé sur YouTube, c'est sûr! ;)
J'espère qu'il joue pour vous - une gracieusité de Junios Caldera!)