April Fools
Let's have fun here - and not limit ourselves to just two songs
or even two languages!
Labels: music videos
Let's have fun here - and not limit ourselves to just two songs
or even two languages!
Labels: music videos
You've all heard of LGBTQ - of course...
Well... TGLP here shall stand for
The Great Lesbian Proliferation
- as every TV show on every network there is now
appears to have two or several lesbians on board!
Which ones are... let's (lez?) say... more convincing?
Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know... I am stepping onto your
exxxclusive playground, TRIPLE A...
You let me know how I did... eh?
Women's Rights Day inspired me?
And speaking of which...
Pick your best investment now -
among all this bogus merchandise!
Labels: Captain Action, Captain America, Captain Obvious