taste-testing blog: March 2021

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

April Fools

 Let's have fun here - and not limit ourselves to just two songs 

or even two languages! 


Nem queremos saber...

(É melhor nâo saber, as vezes...)


Que c'est donc de mauvais goût! 

Now how is THAT 
- for an extended taste-test 
under quarantine! 


Saturday, March 20, 2021


 You've all heard of LGBTQ - of course... 

Well... TGLP here shall stand for 

The Great Lesbian Proliferation 

- as every TV show on every network there is now 

appears to have two or several lesbians on board! 

Which ones are... let's (lez?) say... more convincing? 


Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know... I am stepping onto your 

exxxclusive playground, TRIPLE A... 

You let me know how I did... eh? 

Women's Rights Day inspired me? 

And speaking of which... 

it's not like it's anything new... of course! 

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Thursday, March 04, 2021

Bootlegs R Us

 Pick your best investment now - 

among all this bogus merchandise! 

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